Backsliding Language - What Does it Sound Like?
Product Number: 302010-22
Have You Ever Inspected Your Language?
This article discusses ineffective and effective language and the impact of each usage. By this, we mean that the language show-ups in words we choose to use in everyday conversation sometimes take the low road and sometimes the high road: we prefer you to take the high road :-)).
We’ll begin with useful language because we suggest that individuals live an On-Purpose Life when there is demonstrated aspiration to excellence: this language can be articulate with precision designed to produce unambiguous meaning and consequential understanding. Usually, this means that the individual has defined their purpose, tracks, and monitors their choices, actions, and results with high marks on the CAM Awareness Scale: usually above a 9.5.
Backsliding to old stuff…
Natural flow of Beliefs & Choices Methodology…
A Baseline Perspective
Being On-Purpose involves using specifically designed language, behaviors, and processes. We consistently monitor the results of our created manifested beliefs to determine how well they are working for us.
When we live inside this created language, our behaviors take on real evidence-based meaning directly associated with our new definitions of the designed set(s) of our beliefs and choices.
We assert that after applying our Beliefs and Choices Methodology (BCM), your language, behaviors, and processes will exhibit the characteristics depicted in the image of flying arrows (i.e., see the image close by).
BCM Adjustment Period
Notice too in the image, a natural rising and lowering on the left side of this flow, then an abrupt upward rising tendency on the right side. Our awareness occurs after some time when we have gained experiential confidence in our designs, which is why the flow raises and lowers. Upon reviewing the subsequent evidence of our monitoring/measuring, our tracking reveals the specific results delivered to us. Also, we observe in the flying arrows that a significant dip happens before the final rise. This dip and lifting represent a natural implementation occurrence as we become adjusted to our new language usage, associated behaviors, and processes.
(Wisdom Sidebar) The Theories of Meaning are complex and have a considerable historical context. We argue that our Beliefs and Choices Methodology produces evidence-based meaning and faith from our designed belief. This sidebar describes some of those ideas further.
There are many historical ideas posited and promulgated over the past century in philosophy and other disciplines: about the meaning of language and our interpretation. We invite you to explore cataloged information at Sanford University by Jeff Speaks, "Theories of Meaning", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.). Clicking this link will allow you to review detailed insights into the theories of meaning
We have read and observed much usage of the concept of our minds being "Meaning Making Machines," which we refer here for a perspective of the complexities of language and its usage: we use this unique terminology ourselves in our writing and speaking.
Evidence-based results produce clarity with our Beliefs and Choices Methodology; this means verifiable by the monitoring of your own designs' efficacy.
Ineffective Language
We purposefully combine language usage with a vital point: the lack of direction in one's life. We perceive this as a situational state which appears to be present in some people. We believe this is changeable at any point one defines a clear purpose in life.
We also suggest that many individuals currently live their lives without much thought to their future. Their life seems to take them on a pathway or flow where they have little control or say about what occurs: the analogy of "the can kicked down the street."
Continuing this line of reasoning and also from our many observations, there seems to be a mixed and consistent use of language words "Can't" and "Won't" sometimes coupled with the idea or belief of "Unworthiness" – we see this prevailing with consistency. Sometimes too, along this line of speaking and thinking is the related excuse based expressions of "Should Have," "Would Have," and "Could Have": they also tend to persist.
Some other examples include some very ineffective words of "impossible," "overwhelming," "useless," "uncreative," "bored," "no way out," and "the same old stuff." You can add to this list with your own top ineffective words. The list can be expanded for a hundred or so items, especially if you want to spot the usage for yourself or your team. The top frequently used words have already been identified here as a starting point for your understanding.
We say that these types of language expressions are actually "beliefs," which many subscribe, usually without knowing or understanding their effect or consistency of occurrence. We consider this negative or backsliding language, which will forever keep people locked in idleness, stoppage, and negative beliefs that can crush motivation, confidence, and esteem.
Understanding the Impact
We invite you to pause for a moment to ponder your usage of these words and determine if you have spoken of them, especially with your stories: these help you deepen and support your belief. For example, one of the most common language usages is "Can't" with the associated massive and deeply felt story that we can't do something because:
We don't possess the right training, education, skills, and talents,
We are handicapped or held back by our lack of experience, strength, intellect, social standing, lack of funds, no time available, and low importance to us,
We don't have connections, influence, heritage, youth, ethnicity,
Please feel free to enlarge this list with you or your team's ideas.
What Have You Learned?
Have you noticed something about these examples? Do they hit home squarely with your own stories? They do it for us. We invite you again to consider that this is a learning experience to make you aware of what may be occurring with you or those around you.
The common thread here is that these are made-up or based upon past experiences that don't necessarily track current reality (i.e., maybe they never did). One of the essential ideas is that many of these past experiences were given meaning based upon false assumptions. Most often, from childhood interpretations, which could have been perceived from a highly emotional episode, fraught with fear or anger, we may have created a story that we heightened with false interpretation to cope with the situation(s).
Until you/we give these experiences meaning to make them real for you, your stories will hold little sense to you/us. False or true, our stories will strengthen and harden their beliefs. If you continue to give the ineffective and harmful words meaning with your stories, they will stay alive inside your beliefs, working diligently in your life to stop and hold you back from what is possible for you.
That is our main point and focus on this relevant article. We suggest that since we give all kinds of meaning to things which are not real or haven't happened yet, we assert that you should define your own beliefs and give them real tangible and measurable sense. Define choices and actions to take in support of those beliefs you create for yourself to become real ( i.e., not harmful) and to fulfill. Strive consistently to determine what works and what doesn't, so that you receive the results you defined.
This is what Beliefs and Choices Methodology is all about. Imagine, too, that the cost of implementing this in your life is your time and effort to make it happen. If things stay the same, you'll end up with the same results. If you truly believe that change is possible, invest some of your time exploring the architecture we have described. This effort and time investment is in yourself, and your future – possibility can truly show-up for you.
With the right motivation to keep all of these ideas moving you forward, you'll attain what you want. Your motivation will come from your clear understanding of your primary purpose in your life. If this critical item tracks with a 9.0 or better on the CAM Awareness Scale – you are on the right path toward losing the ineffective language because it will drop to the wayside as your On-Purpose life emerges.
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