Stop Judgments On Yourself
Have you ever wondered why you get stopped by judgment? We say this happens because it is a damaging comparison of you to something, or you to someone, or you to some unattainable standard of perfection: the Devine has perfection, but we mere mortals can never attain perfection on earth in our lifetime.
Comparing Yourself to Something…
As the photo close by suggests, good, better and best are the most common ways we judge ourselves,s usually against someone else or those se hold as the standard. Haven’t you ever done this before?
Of course, the “something” we refer to here is normally beliefs, and for most of us, we don’t have a clear understanding of our most important and deepest beliefs, even though we keep comparing attainment to them anyway, usually to our determent (e.g., BTW – we are taught to compare throughout our lives in all ways subtle and not).
You can strive for excellence, but we suggest leaving perfection up to Devine Providence – period. Yes, we fully encourage you to strive for excellence in being the most effective you can be: we will help you with some precious and worthy ways to promote this striving in your life but first understand…
Background Idea
Competition has us locked in deep judgmentalism, and it will not go away any time during your current life – we ask you pointedly, “So What?”. Competition is absolutely marvelous, and we have simple ways for dealing with this, which we will describe to you further in this blog.
Gain Some Initial Awareness to Start
But, let’s first understand how our mind grabs hold of judgmentalism and how devastating it can be to us. The concept behind judgments is simply comparison.
Digging deeper to discover more about us…
Yes, of course you can agree easily with this concept. But let’s look a little deeper.
We suggest looking deeper regardless because the actual comparison should be made against the beliefs we hold about the topic with which we are judging ourselves.
The topic doesn’t have to be reasonable, in practice it’s sometimes very unreasonable – at times created by our childhood first few ideas, which helped make us wrong – all along the way.
Here is What Many of Us Do
First off, we perceive that we are not meeting the expectation of good (i.e. simple comparison usually finds you wanting) which does and can produce instant fear and hence stoppage…
Just ask people that have concerns about public speaking or confrontation: their fear generally registers above an 8 on the CAM Awareness Scale.
Secondly, we are usually either too hard on ourselves or the just the opposite too light. In either case, we miss the boat about what really occurs, inaccurately gauging ourselves, mainly because:
We have no formal way of measuring; and
We have no valid or effective standard (e.g. that is the wonderful treat about creating and designing your own beliefs);
We do not track how effective our choices and actions produce results and whether or not our experiences are working for us.
Doesn’t this seem like how we do this confusion, that there is not much reason employed here, little if any science and practically no art – forget management at this point – it will come later with definition. Is this picture beginning to shape-up for you now?
So stop it – stop the judgment right now!!!
Wait until you have established a few things that need to be put in place to let effectiveness reign supreme.
Some Belief Fundamentals
We encourage you to define your starting point basic beliefs: those foundations that are rock solid required for your life – ensure too that your belief has an associated expected result you want.
See our illustration close by as an example of what’s possible in defining your beliefs using our CAM Choices Pyramid.
We suggest that you do no comparison until you have defined a new belief – use our model, do it one your own or with us – but experiment as soon as possible – your life will become easier…
An example of our CAM Beliefs & Choices Methodology
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