The Speed Of Human Choice
Excerpt: 302010-12
This article explores the current cultural condition of hurrying about everything. We believe there are some easy ways to change this rushed state. Let’s look into this situation.
Are We Moving Too Fast?
These days we tend to think about what we can accomplish as quickly as possible: we are in a hurry about everything. Look around you and observe how fast we move. We suggest looking at the faces of people in your daily activities: in your car, in the grocery line, or at the coffee cafe. Many appear anxious, frustrated, impatient – Yes? No? Maybe?
Like a Commuter Train, Life Seems to Speed By Too Fast
Let’s Do Some Pondering
So why is it that that people are in such a hurry? Look again at our topic and the use of the words Human – Choice. What the heck does it mean?
We are coining the expression of the "Speed of Human." However, we want you to relate to the more critical word Choice.
We believe it's all about choice: everything in your life is about choice. Please take some more time to make those choices because, more than not, they have a significant effect on what occurs in your life. Let's all not be in such a hurry – maybe just for today.
Take the subway train above whizzing by. How often does your life feel like a speeding train – that it's all going just too fast?
Let's Slow Down for a Few Moments
We wish to slow you down by getting you to appreciate the concept of The Speed of Human. Some ideas that will interest you:
Think taking a walk in the park slowly at a snail's pace,
Think resting by lying on your couch with no distractions and no noise,
Think sitting entirely still with absolutely no movement,
Think wondering about nothing in particular but watching the wind blow through your backyard trees and bushes,
Think cloud-warmth-softness by not moving under the bed covers for another 15 minutes,
or How about stop thinking and breathe – slowly and effortlessly for the next half-hour?
Do you get the idea? Slow, slow, slow down, and let life occur at the speed of a human.
Just pondering these ideas will bring some peace to you right now. So, let's expand our territory a bit farther by imagining that you could make essential selections in your life in this state. That's it – you can make choices in this state. If so, then how different would your choices be than the reasonable rushed condition? Perhaps… they could be dramatically different.
For the next few days, we request you try on "The Speed of Human." When you experiment with this for a while, come back and provide what you learned about your experiences: share with us and others what came up.