New Ideas About Beliefs & Choices
What Are Beliefs?
A New Perspective of Beliefs and Choices
We offer an important new concept about your beliefs & choices. Supporting this concept, we have created a methodology that links beliefs & choices. We invite you to take a few moments to introduce yourself to these ideas.
Background Ideas
Most people make decisions instead of choices. And we argue that the decisions are unconnected to any known or perceived belief.
Moreover, from our experiences, decisions are connected to past experiences, which typically operate in a rote manner, much of the time completely unaware to us.
We call this state of unaware, "The Fluidity of Unaware Decisions".
Beliefs are Outcome Based
Following this new concept of beliefs & choices, each of your beliefs actually have intended outcomes. Some of your outcomes are easily perceived. As an example, let's explore the belief of "Work Hard". We suggest that the outcome of hard work is usually perceived as advancement or success. We are sure that you can find other examples of your beliefs. Also and most importantly, these outcomes are measurable. Unfortunately, most often we don't usually measure them, In addition, we rarely think about the connection between the belief and its result. We invite you to ponder what we have just written and consider if any of these ideas resonate with you. If they do, continue to read more…
Supporting Articles
We invite you to explore these concepts in greater detail. The following articles will shed more light on these concepts: "Slow to Understand Your Beliefs?", and “Out of Arrogance”.
What Are Choices?
Choice Distinction
We define choices and decisions as selections with clear distinctions. Decisions are made based upon past experiences, although generally without a connection to a conscious belief.
Choices on the other hand, are linked directly to beliefs and happen in the present. As such, beliefs are the source of choices. In support of this idea, we also link choices to actions calling them paired choices and actions.
Connected Relationship of Beliefs & Choices
The relationship with the pairs are designed to produce the belief result or outcome. This is represented below in the BCM Tootsie Roll Illustration. Our illustration depicts this model reading from left to right, with choices as center stage.
We measure the result frequently. When the outcome exceeds 8.0 on a 0 to 10 scale, we say that manifested faith for the belief comes present. Most often, we get the result that we defined in our belief.
Measuring Beliefs
During the measuring activity, if the result is less than 8.0, we adjust the paired choices and actions to improve the measured result. We keep adjusting as needed.
For business, this adjustment can be recorded for historical reasons and becomes organizational memory. For the individual, the adjustments become the belief experience.
We will teach you how to create beliefs and choices so that you receive the results you designed. Our methodology is called the Beliefs and Choices Methodology (BCM).
Wanna see proof? Check out our work by reading "Beliefs Impact Your Work - Startling New Evidence" and "Striving for Excellence".