Try Harder Is Never The Answer
Imagine each pumpkin represents choices we can make each day. Unlimited. This article will challenge some of the beliefs you hold.
We pose some ideas about why one of those beliefs’ “trying harder” usually isn’t the answer. We include some common examples which we will all recognize: along with some new thoughts of replacements for the typical “Try Harder”. This article does not reference the accepted Yoda “Try Not Do” - yet there is great wisdom in the universally known words. We suggest using the ideas you are exposed to herein by experimenting for the next 30 days to 60 days as an way to determine what outcomes present themselves to you.
How many times during your youth have you heard “try harder”? Now multiply that for your 20’s, 30’s and beyond and you will clearly see a pattern. This pattern might produce frustration or for that matter some level of distress. It is doubtful if it produces joy and glee. Yes?, No?, or Maybe?
You are not along in this circumstance. Now that you know you are in good company, let’s give you some pointers on how to reduce the frustration or stress.
Some Common Ideas
You probably have noticed “try harder” has a replacement of “work smarter” and the most common one today is just “do it”. They all seem like marketing slogans. And, we admit there is some value in the expressions.
However, one question for you is “have they worked or are they consistently working for you?” We suspect not and here is a novel idea for the reasons they don’t work.
There is no clear destination or an outcome. What will try harder or work smarter do without a clear definition of the outcome desired?
No Destination No Outcome
Trying harder is a good suggestion, yet with no destination, hence no particular outcome. One must define the outcome of trying harder. Put simply, there is an easy way to accomplish this by defining a unique result desired. This will allow the effort of “trying harder” to relate to accomplishing something you want to have happen.
As an example, let’s make the red marble be a unique result we want to occur.
For this example, let’s increase our sales by 10% within the next 90 days.
This will allow our destination to be defined and it will also give us a timeframe in which we want this to occur. In addition, we will call the sales increase result to be named “90 Day Win”.
By doing this exercise, we just defined a specific outcome/result and when it will be accomplished. Actually we just defined a belief called “90 Day Win”.
More to come… this blog is in development.
Special Notes
More to come because this blog in it a developmental stage (i.e. while the blog is published, we do this pre-release at times in our creation stage, so we can see the impact of our writing). We want to know if it works and is believable. Our editors check the grammar out, but our release team wants to approve it for full release. We ask you to be patient because the end blog must meet at least an 8.5 on the CAM Awareness Scale.